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Showing posts with the label foreclosure market jacksonville

Sad example of the reality of foreclosures

This may be the most important post I've ever made. This touched me and hit me harder than any other real estate related thing I've ever seen. The picture tells the story. I've never cried in front of a customer before, but on this day, at this time, I did. He was very somber too. I think it hit home with him too. We never spoke about it again. We left the house and continued on our journey to look at other homes. I have a new understanding and a new view of foreclosed homes now. Every home has a story. If walls could talk...these walls did. These notes were written on the wall in two different rooms. How do they make you feel? Not all foreclosures were dead beats or losers or people that CHOSE to not pay their mortgage.

Mortgage defaulters may have to face the debt collectors now...

From Information, Inc WASHINGTON – Oct. 16, 2013 – Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have stepped up their program to collect unpaid mortgage debt from “strategic defaulters” – underwater homeowners who skipped out on their mortgage even though they had the ability to pay. If a home is sold at foreclosure but the proceeds don’t cover the outstanding balance of the homeowner’s loan, the mortgage giants can pursue judgments against the homeowner forcing him or her to pay the deficiency. And the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) that regulates Fannie and Freddie is pushing them to step up their efforts. FHFA says Fannie and Freddie haven’t been aggressive enough going after strategic defaulters; and, according to the inspector general, the mortgage giants could cut their losses by making it a priority – billions of dollars, the office says. So far, the office says it has identified about 58,000 foreclosures that Freddie Mac did not refer for collection – and estimated defic