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Showing posts with the label jacksonville first time buyer tax credit

First Time Buyers in Jacksonville Running Out of Time!

Okay all of you procrastinators! It's time to get very serious about finding your first home! Time is of the essence! Please don't hesitate any longer. You must have a "fully executed" contract by April 30th with a closing date before June 30th. That's really cutting it close! Today is April 14th and you've got 16 days to find a house! Please don't wait any longer. There are currently 3338 homes in the price range of $120,000 to $190,000 listed in our MLS. Let's go look at a few of them this weekend! :-) Call me today if I can help. We'll find something in time if you're willing to start looking with me TODAY!

First Time Buyer ALERT Jacksonville Florida

Okay First Time Buyers out there. You have 41 days left before the Tax Credit ends! That may seem like a long time but trust me--by the time we look at lots of houses, we'll need every single one of those weekends to go look.That will be FIVE weekends to be exact! Not very many. There continues to be more activity in the 125-175 dollar price range. There are even rumors of multiple offers. It seems like all of the buyers are looking in the exact same price range and in the same areas! Please don't wait too long. Time is running out. Don't miss this opportunity to get a $8000 Tax Credit. Call me today and let's get busy!