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Showing posts with the label jacksonville fl short sales

Foreclosure Help In Jacksonville FL

Things are changing in the world of foreclosures and distressed home owners. The Feds have finally mandated some guidelines for Florida lenders to use to help home owners in trouble. If you're considering a short sale or foreclosure, please read the following article from EZine Magazine. This is the new program that will start on April 1st. I hope this will help you. If you find out that you might need to do a short sale, give me a call and we can discuss exactly how it works. Let me know what you think about the new plan to help homeowners decide what to do about their situation. Please keep in mind that all of the options listed below are for PRIMARY residences only. No investment property is included in the program. Call if you have questions. Although the foreclosure mediation process has been around for many years, until recently it's been mostly voluntary and not widely publicized to homeowners throughout Florida. Borrowers who are behind on their mortgage payments or

Jacksonville Short Sale Answers

This is a post written by a REALTOR in South Florida that explains the way a short sale and loan modification works. It's easy to understand and makes it all a little clearer. Worth the read! Is Your Short Sale or Loan Modification Being Turned Down? Has your short sale or loan modification been turned down and you have no idea why? Let's examine some of the reasons. These reasons may not make you feel any better or maybe they are just excuses by your lender, however there are a few things you may not even know about your loan. Let's say that you make your mortgage payment to Wells Fargo. You can no longer handle your payments so you ask Wells Fargo to modify your loan- to do a loan modification for you. You are behind in your payments. You are in fact, in foreclosure but you are still living in your home and the judge in your case has not ordered the sale of your home at auction yet. You are scared. You see your neighbors losing their homes all around you. You are hopeful

Short Sales in Jacksonville

The $8000 Tax Credit, as currently written, expires on November 30th. If you've been considering buying a short sale, you might be too late! They have consistently taken 90-120 to close and with that in mind, you need to write a contract TODAY! Of course, there are a few weird exceptions that have closed in 60 days, but for the most part, a 90 day minimum is the norm. Please don't wait! There is a chance they may extend the credit and I hope they do! It's keeping the real estate market alive right now. BUT. There's just no guarantee that they will. If you have a short sale in mind; if you like it, you'd better make an offer right away in order to beat the deadline. Call me today for more information about buying a short sale and about how you might qualify for up to $35,000 of bond money!

What do you mean the house is sold?

Oh my gosh. I think I'm making believers out of my buyers these days! I'm NOT using car salesmen tricks by saying "you better buy it now or it'll be gone". Read my lips: you better put an offer on it or it will be gone!! I kid you not. That's how hot the Jacksonville market is right now. First time buyers are gobbling up the houses in the 100-185,000 price range like I can't even believe. This is a hot, hot price range and the inventory is there to give everyone lots of choices. The $8000 credit towards closing costs is really going to help a LOT. Call me today and let's go find one of these bargains for YOU!

FL Market Out of Control!

News from Florida Assoc of Realtors is a mixed bag, to say the least! Sales are way up--with prices WAY down. At least some of the inventory is "going away". There have been lots of sales because of all of the foreclosed properties and short sales. That's okay if you're a buyer....not so good if you're trying to sell your home right now. It's all about PRICE in this market. If you're a seller, you're competing with dirt cheap houses all around you. Now, more than ever, if your home isn't priced right, it's not going to sell. Pure and simple. Here's a little bit of what the experts have to say about this crazy market... ...“Many people are looking at today’s market and seeing opportunities to find the home or business they’ve always wanted,” said 2009 FAR President Cynthia Shelton. “With a range of available housing options, historically low mortgage interest rates and affordable prices, buyers who may have been hesitant before shoul

North Jacksonville Townhome For Sale $99,900

Jacksonville Homes For Sale

Great Article on Selling Your Home by Anonymous (I read it online and loved it! Started following other links and never got back to the article!) Enjoy the read. IT IS SO TRUE! Selling a home in a declining market starts with a proper attitude and finding the right Realtor® who is optimistic and knows the right sales techniques in this tough market. Even though most people and economists are down on the housing market (feel it is depressed, that the economic recovery isn't going to happen in the next few months, and consumer confidence is down), it doesn't mean that you can't sell your home. The truth of the matter is many people will sell their homes between now and this summer. While many sellers and real estate agents take a reactive approach to market conditions, those sellers who take a more proactive and realistic approach to the market will be the ones who sell their homes. These are the sellers who take advantage of this market and move up to their dream home! Firs

Home Sales Up in Jacksonville-Foreclosure driven

Homes sales have been quite brisk the past 30 days! Unfortunately more than half of those sales have been preforeclosures and short sales. The market is clearly price driven. The investors have come back out and first time buyers are finding deals galore! It's a great time to be a buyer in Jacksonville! Unfortunately, those that aren't in a short sale situation, those trying to get a fair price for thier homes, these are not such good times. If the seller is trying to compete with these foreclosed homes, good luck! The price of the short sale homes are usually 20% or more below the other homes in the neighborhood, naturally pulling the value of the homes in the entire area down with it. This is a tough time to try and sell a house at full value! If you're a buyer that's been sitting on the fence, it's time to JUMP! Interest rates are still low--inventories are HIGH--foreclosures are at an all time high! What in the world are you waiting for?? Let's g

List Em and Leave Em

In the spirit of Halloween... This is a post worth repeating: I continually hear people say that their realtor bugged them for weeks to get them to list their house with them. They finally agreed to list it and they never saw the realtor again!! I'm not exaggerating! Check out this story.... New example of a “list em and leave em” real estate company Wednesday, May 02, 2007JANESVILLE, Wis. — A couple checking out a house for sale were shocked to discover the 55-year-old homeowner dead in her bed. Authorities said foul play was not suspected. Real estate agent Linda Chabucos-Galow stood in the dining room while Justin and Colleen McKeen walked through a house Monday night. Before long, she heard Colleen McKeen scream."I thought, 'What's wrong?' Maybe it was a dead mouse or something," Chabucos-Galow said.But then she peered into the bedroom and saw the body of Linda L. O'Leary. An autopsy determined O'Leary had been dead for two to three weeks, Rock Cou

What about the tenants??

I've been hit in the face with the harsh reality of what really happens when an investor faces foreclosure on the home(s)he/she bought as rental homes. I've had the unpleasant task of informing renters that the home they're living in is in foreclosure. This is really a bad situation. The renters have been paying their rent on time and have a lease that is good through next year. Unfortunately, they will have to move right away if the home is foreclosed on. They are caught up in the housing nightmare that is engulfing our market. They are the innocent bystanders that are going to suffer through no fault of their own. At least my tenants know!! I have been hearing way too many stories about tenants having Sheriff's officers show up at their door telling them to GET OUT. It's gotten so bad, several cities have begun to refuse to evict these tenants without prior notice. SOMETHING must be done on a national level to ensure that these tenants have ample time to find

Facing a Foreclosure in Jacksonville?

Times are tough for a lot of people today. The stock market continues to drop, consumer confidence in the Feds continues to drop, food prices continue to rise, gas prices are high and it just costs a LOT of money to survive today! Are you afraid you might be forced to miss a house payment? Have you missed one (or two or three)? Right now, right this minute, CALL YOUR LENDER. If your interest rate is above 7% please consider refinancing your home. If your credit is less than perfect, ask your lender about a FHA loan. The latest bailout package has help for you in it! I think it may be December before they are able to see exactly what that help will be. I think that you should contact your lender right now, today. They know that they are going to have to help you in some way, shape or form. They will work with you. Please don't lose your home due to inaction. Call your lender. Try to work something out with them today. If you're at your wits end and feel like you need

Jacksonville Short Sales

The developments in the finance and mortgage world come as no real surprise to those of us in the trenches. Currently there are 15,000 homes on the market in Jacksonville and of those, 20% are distressed sells. I define a distress sell as either a preforeclosure, short sale, or REO property. A REO property is owned by the bank and has already had all foreclosure proceedings completed. There are 2604 condos listed in MLS and 13% of those are distressed properties. It didn't take an MBA from Harvard to know that something had to give. When buyers can't get financing--Realtors are out of business. When lenders require a credit score of 720 and at least 20% down--Realtors are out of business. When homes drop by 15-20% in value in 6 months--Realtors are out of business. I now have 5 short sale listings. They are located all over town! I think that this is why I really got into Real Estate. I am trying to help alleviate the pain and pressure that a homeowner suffers through whe